Eiger Software Update: Automatic Rotation Tools
You’re going to flip when you try out the new feature in Eiger. We’ve launched automatic rotation to enhance our software platform once again. The rotation tools were released as part of today’s software update and they remove the complication of part orientation. The update allows you to automatically or manually rotate your part while Eiger updates the the Euler angles in real time.
Automatic Rotation
Eiger now supports automatic rotation of your part such that any face or plane will lie flat against the print bed, as geometry allows. Simply select the face you want to place against the print bed and let Eiger compute the rest.

Beyond that simple interface, the Automatic rotation tool is smart enough to detect if any features will generate beneath the surface of the print bed with a given orientation. If that is the case, Eiger will find a parallel plane to place against the print bed so that the part is always in the printable space.
Manual Rotation
If you liked having the ability to choose your rotation angles on your own – don’t worry! Eiger still supports manual rotation, but with a new twist. Now you can select the “Manual Rotation” button in the Part Settings pane and experiment with how your part will look in any orientation without having to compute Euler angles. Simply click on an axis and drag to rotate the part. And if you can’t get the orientation just right by dragging the part around, you can always adjust them by entering your own values into the X-Y-Z boxes.
Eiger Feature Enhancements
These features mimic those found in popular CAD programs and were designed to get you from importing your STL to printing as seamlessly as possible. You can now easily try different orientations to see which lends to the most optimal material usage and print times. With other recent features such as Internal Wall Fiber Routing, and In-Process Laser Inspection on the Mark X, we’re always working to provide easy-to-use tools for our customers and enhance the Markforged experience.
Don’t have a Markforged printer and want to try it out for yourself? Get an Eiger trial today. For more information about this new feature, check out the support page.
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