See The FX20 in Our Virtual Tour
We’re incredibly proud of the FX20’s cutting-edge engineering, which we had the opportunity to show off at Formnext 2021 this last November. However, the ongoing pandemic can complicate travel, and transporting this beast of a machine from site to site for in-person tours is also no easy endeavor.
To make it easy to get a peek under the hood of our new flagship printer, we made a virtual tour of the FX20, which can be accessed here. The tour will help you:
- Learn how we built the FX20 to print 8x faster and nearly 5x larger without sacrificing part quality.
- See the completely redesigned print chamber, capable of printing high temperature materials like ULTEM™ 9085 Filament.
- Get an inside look at the printhead capable of reinforcing ULTEM™ 9085 Filament parts with continuous carbon fiber.
If this is your first time hearing about the FX20, this article provides a brief introduction to the Digital Forge’s newest addition before you take the tour:
What is The FX20?
As the biggest, fastest, and smartest 3D printer Markforged has ever produced, The FX20 pairs size and throughput to make larger parts at incredible speeds. On average, it prints 8x faster than default print settings on Markforged’s existing line of composite printers.
Built to scale distributed global production, the FX20 is precision-designed and sensor-driven to deliver breakthrough accuracy, quality, and reliability to fabricate parts directly at the point-of-need with the simple click of a button.
While the FX20 is capable of printing the full range of existing Markforged composite materials like Onyx, it also brings a new material for specialized applications to the Digital Forge. In fact, our new production-ready industrial 3D printer is the only one on the market capable of printing the high-performance thermoplastic material ULTEM™ 9085 Filament using Markforged’s proprietary Continuous Fiber Reinforcement (CFR) technology.
Who Should Consider The FX20?
The FX20’s material capabilities, paired with its capability to produce large build size quickly, opens up a range of potential new applications. It can print parts that are simultaneously high strength, low weight, resistivity to high temperatures and chemical exposure, dielectric properties, and flame retardance.
This makes it the ideal industrial 3D printer for printing composite parts for use in the most demanding industries: such as aerospace, defense, automotive, and oil & gas. The FX20 brings breakthrough accuracy, quality, reliability, speed, and surface quality together while increasing throughput — making it a suitable addition to production environments anywhere on the factory floor.
Why Bigger?
The FX20 includes a massive build volume that is heated, sealed and optimized for fast printing.
Its large build size can eliminate the need for assembly by producing large parts in single print jobs, while also printing large parts with longer paths of continuous fiber reinforcement (CFR) that are supported end-to-end.
For many common industrial print applications, such as large bending dies, bed sizes of smaller printers are not sufficient for single-piece prints. These pieces require additional time and effort to: 1.) split up the part into separate designs with a plan for assembling, 2.) initiate multiple print jobs, and 3.) piece together the components into the final functional part.
Print System Details
The 84L heated build chamber uses a verified flat aluminum print bed, automated calibration, and dual convection heaters. The FX20’s print head, designed for rapid heating and fast extrusion, uses a three-nozzle design with a high volume of sensors, swappable modules, and more.
The motion system includes new sensing equipment, reengineered motion controllers, and a new revolutionary print file format — using high resolution linear encoders, precision gantry, closed loop extrusion control, material feed system, and high-powered servo motors.
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