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Simulation in Eiger™

Simulation in Eiger

Software all'avanguardia per simulare le prestazioni delle parti stampate Markforged. Incluso nel livello dell'abbonamento Digital Forge Advanced.

Convalida le prestazioni delle parti e ottimizza le impostazioni di stampa per garantire la conformità delle parti ai requisiti massimizzando l'efficienza di produzione. Tutto alla velocità del software.


Simulate the strength and stiffness of a part printed with user defined settings.


Simple, intuitive feedback and a visualization of how the part deforms under loading.

Automatically configure the print settings to satisfy performance requirements and minimize print time and material consumption.


Pick the best option for your needs from multiple solutions.

The Value of Simulation

Helps take the guesswork out of configuring parts

Gain confidence that parts will perform as required
Shortens the product development timeline

Replaces costly and time consuming physical testing
Maximizes manufacturing efficiency and minimizes costs

Unlocks additional, high-value applications

Simulation è disponibile nel piano Digital Forge Complete Advanced.
