Software in 2021: 10 New Features for Solving Customer Problems

In 2021, Markforged introduced multiple new innovations to solve customer problems, such as the need for aircraft parts with new additive materials for aerospace and related applications and for larger, more heat-resistant parts with the new FX20.
We also made it easier and faster than ever for customers to print strong, quality parts by expanding the capabilities of the Digital Forge’s software platform.
Here are the top ways in which customer problems were solved using new capabilities we added to Markforged software in 2021:
1. Print metal parts faster. Go from design to metal part in hand within 28 hours (2x faster!) through softwares updates in Eiger and on devices.
2. Identify Trapped Supports. Quickly identify supports in unreachable regions through an improved internal view in Eiger - an improvement for composites and a game-changer for metal.
3. Optimize density, weight and strength. Printing composites and metal end-use parts using Gyroid infill is one of 5 patterns available in Eiger.
4. Organize parts using hierarchy. Store and manage parts in an unlimited digital inventory using both folders and subfolders in Eiger.
5. Automate part quality inspection. Detect and inspect all part features while printing with Blacksmith to replace expensive and time-consuming post-print inspection.
6. Document part quality. View and download automatically generated custom reports containing specific information about printed part accuracy with Blacksmith to satisfy internal and customer quality and performance requirements.
7. Control who, what and where. Provide AM access to multiple teams and sites while centrally managing who can create and change parts vs. who can print only pre-approved parts on local printers with role-based access control (RBAC) with Eiger Fleet.
8. Extend AM benefits to the masses. Make 3D printing accessible to people and locations without AM expertise through automated part ordering and tracking from within familiar business systems (PLM, ERP, MES, etc) using Eiger API with Eiger Fleet.
9. Prep more parts faster. Upload and adjust settings of hundreds of parts at once with high-throughput workflows with Eiger Fleet.
10. Print offline with multiple printers. Working entirely behind the firewall, connect to offline 3D printers over a private network, with LAN Connector and Offline Eiger.
What would you like to see from our software?
Many of these problems solved in 2021 were identified in conversations with customers. We look forward to hearing your requests for ways to make your AM operations even more efficient and productive. Share them with our team directly or at https://markforged.com/contact-us
Markforged Software
Eiger - Cloud-connected digital additive manufacturing platform for getting work done with world class security. Using Eiger makes it quick and easy to go from CAD to strong, functional parts at the point of need, while managing unlimited parts and projects in a digital repository.
Blacksmith - Autopilot for digital manufacturing processes that connects part design, production, and inspection with powerful AI. Blacksmith enables printing the right part the first time and every subsequent time by leveraging onboard sensors, a patented calibration process, and rich in-process inspection reports — as opposed to sending parts out for expensive, time consuming post-print inspection.
Eiger Fleet - Cloud-based enterprise software for global fleet management to scale additive manufacturing operations. Eiger Fleet increases operational efficiency and visibility by giving individuals and teams access to only the right devices and parts. It enables a fully end-to-end 3D printing production cycles connected to Industry 4.0 initiatives and technology systems.
Offline Eiger - Software installed behind the firewall for the same part creation and printing functionality as Eiger. Offline Eiger enables slicing and printing parts securely when Internet is intermittent or restricted by working with the IT landscape to connect to printers over USB or private Local Area Networks without uploading any part or user data to the cloud.

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