Introducing Markforged's Learn Page
Most fabrication technologies are old. Developed in the 19th and early 20th centuries, methods like milling, turning, forming, molding, and others have well defined design standards contained in thousand-page books. In these fields, engineers and fabricators utilize these guides to inform their fabrication decisions. As a new technology, 3D printing has nothing of the sort. Like any new and disruptive technology, 3D printing has few fabrication standards and is often misunderstood. The lack of standards is further exposed by the wide variety of 3D printing technologies and consistent embellishment of printer abilities and material properties. At Markforged, we’re trying to fix that by developing meaningful standards and education-centric content.
We believe that educating people about 3D printing enables them to push the boundaries of the space. Over the last few years, we’ve built learning content in the form of webinars, blog posts, and the occasional informal training. While this content is useful for specific objectives, we never organized it in a way that truly encourages learning. We’re changing that by introducing a new section on our website: Learn. On the Learn page, we’re taking all of that scattered information and centralizing it into a single location.

So how does this help you? First, the Learn page is now a one-stop shop for Markforged content, whether it be the Markforged blog, webinars, white papers, or case studies. All resources are now ungated, meaning you can access them without entering any personal information. Second, and more importantly, we’re building out an entirely new structured learning system comprised of short, digestible multi-part guides with the education necessary to for you to design and print meaningful parts. These guides will serve one of two purposes: giving you a holistic explanation of a 3D printing topic, or providing actionable constraints and advice on how to design parts for 3D printing. Currently, the Learn page has two explanation centric guides: an introduction to 3D printing, and a more detailed overview of the FFF printing process. As we build the page out further, we’ll get more into the specifics, covering topics like 3D printing tolerancing and design constraints, designing for metal and composite printing, post processing parts, and others.
We’re really excited to take the first step in this direction, and we’d love to hear your input! If you’re a customer, what constraints/guides would help you, and what techniques would you like us to pursue? If you’re looking to add a Markforged printer but not sure yet, what information would help you understand the 3D printing space better or make an informed purchasing decision? If you have ideas or feedback, send an email to
Reach out to us for a free consultation on potential applications and how Markforged fits in your business.
All of the blogs and the information contained within those blogs are copyright by Markforged, Inc. and may not be copied, modified, or adopted in any way without our written permission. Our blogs may contain our service marks or trademarks, as well as of those our affiliates. Your use of our blogs does not constitute any right or license for you to use our service marks or trademarks without our prior permission. Markforged Information provided in our blogs should not be considered professional advice. We are under no obligation to update or revise blogs based on new information, subsequent events, or otherwise.
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