Introducing the Onyx Series: A New Lineup
As a company, Markforged promises to enable engineers to create high performance parts by breaking down the barriers between design and a finished product. Our printers consistently deliver parts with the strength, quality, and precision necessary for the engineering and design process. Earlier this year we released Onyx, our chopped carbon fiber nylon filament. With increased stiffness, high dimensional stability, and a beautiful surface finish, it delivers professional products right off the print bed. Both when reinforced with continuous fibers and as a standalone 3D printing material, Onyx provides unmatched material strength, stiffness, and beauty in 3D printing.

However, Onyx thus far has only been accessible to Mark Two Enterprise and Mark X users, at the top of the Markforged lineup. While continuous fiber reinforcement enables metal-strength 3D printing at a low cost, the professional quality of the Onyx material alone is something we want to share. Today, we introduce the Onyx Series: the Onyx One and the Onyx Pro professional 3D printer.
The Onyx One
Because of the popularity of the Onyx material, we decided to make it more accessible to the larger 3D printing community. This restructuring of our product line allows anyone from students to industry professionals reap the benefits of our Onyx material at a $3,499 price point. The Onyx One delivers pure Onyx parts, a material designed to expand the capabilities of 3D printing materials.

What makes the Onyx One stand out when compared to other 3D printers in its price range is that it has been designed from the ground up to handle strong 3D printing materials. This entry-level 3D printer is practically hands-free, with a robust system that guarantees reliability. Eiger, our intuitive platform integrated with all of our products, provides a cloud-based file management and slicer system for any organization. With robust system design and integration, our software, hardware, and materials work together to ensure performance engineering.
The Onyx Pro
If you want high quality parts but don’t need the strength properties seen with our continuous fibers, the Onyx One is a perfect fit. True strength, however, comes from the continuous composite fiber reinforcement that Markforged is known for. The Onyx Pro adds fiberglass reinforcement to your high-strength 3D printing toolbox, opening the door to stronger applications.

Interested in learning more about our Onyx Series lineup? Request a demo or order a sample part!
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