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Brand Center

Brand Center

Welcome. Here you’ll find an overview of the visual elements that make up the Markforged brand. Take a look, download, and use.

It’s our voice.

These core visual elements frame our story and shape our culture. They make up a smart design system that gets better with use.

Brand Elements

Strong flag.

There are four key elements in our design system: the logo is at the core, surrounded by a modern factory color scheme, robust typography, and imagery that brings our story and products to life. When expertly composed, these elements will evoke the Markforged brand at every touchpoint.

Our mark is the most prominent element in our system. It symbolizes what we’re made of – strength. It’s what we’re made of. The logo symbolizes a continuous string of a filament that forms a hexagon structure.

The Markforged logo should be used by itself or with the wordmark. The wordmark should never appear on its own without the logo.

Balance and contrast.

Our color palette is strong and confident. It’s nested in our products, and the industrial environments in which they exist.

The primary scheme is shades of gray accented by a “Manufacturing Yellow” which is used to either add visual interest or call to action.

This compelling tension of colors is crucial in differentiating our brand from the competition.

Machined words.

The Markforged typeface is Replica — a bold, sharp sans serif created on a mechanical grid. It drives our image in all aspects of the Markforged brand. Neue Haas Unica is a complimentary typeface, designed for legibility and used for long-form.

When neither font is available (for applications such as on Google Docs), Rubik and Helvetica Neue may be used for substitution.

Fonts can be purchased directly below:

Replica []

Neue Haas Unica []

See an example of how animation styles can be applied to typography.

True stories.

An image is our most powerful element and has a wide range of purposes, from the descriptive to the abstract, from the serious to playful.

Our images should frame the story in the most compelling way.

Check out the photography, illustrations, and iconography that brings the Markforged technology to life.

Get the full VIS



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